Westorn Executive Search

" It always seems impossible until it’s done "

Nelson Mandela Nobel Prize winner

Thomas Test Personnality

Thierry is certified Thomas Test personality test

In just 8 minutes PPA (Personal Profile Analisys – more known as the DISK) provides an accurate insight into how people behave at work, answering questions such as :

What are their strengths and limitations ?
How do they communicate ?
Are they self starters ?
What motivates them ?

I am trained and licenced to use DISC, which assesses individuals DOMINANCE, INFLUENCE, STEADINESS (or work pace) and COMPLIANCE (respect for rules and supervision).

I use DISC to help identify the characteristics, motivations and styles of any individual. This brings objectivity to some of the cultural aspects of candidate selection.

I have found this form of objective assessment to be a really useful tool. It helps understand candidates likely behavioural preferences in particular work circumstances (for example, how they are likely to behave in pressurised situations).

Psychometric analysis doesn’t replace good interviewing, but it does help validate findings. It also gives a much better understanding of the key issues of team building and suggests the roles people can take in a team – for example, making sure a team doesn’t just consist of fast-working dominant individuals is really useful – together they are likely to argue and fight for power and become counter-productive, whereas a mix of personalities are more likely to get things done if they understand their place in the team and work together to get things done.

It can also be used when you’re looking for a new leader in a change management programme. You can assess if any new individual will, by their nature bring something new, or, if they’re likely to perpetuate the problem your trying to solve – Now that’s a really useful insight !



Thierry is using Saviio Relationship Forecasting tools that help you to predict HOW people will succeed at work.

We compare the motivational drivers of individuals with their manager, their team and their colleagues – and with people who are rather good in a similar role too.

Ask for a free demo via info@westorn.eu.


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